The 3 Lenses to Make Better Use of Behavioural Science in Marketing

Nadya Sarasdita
2 min readSep 23, 2021

The history of humankind has evolved for centuries. Though culture and civilization has evolved, yet in fact human brain software hasn’t improved since around 40.000 years ago. Therefore, our brain is actually old, and with the times, especially in the recent technology era, this causes a gap between our old brain software and the current environment.

That is why, we need to advance into a more effective way of understanding what really moves people from inside-out when we are doing advertising, public relation, social media, digital marketing, etc. Within the video posted on discussing about The Real Why and The Hidden Who, Christopher Graves shares about the 3 ‘lenses’ to view the human condition in an attempt to get a clearer picture of human decision-making.

Through the series of proven behavioral science, Graves shares that personality, cultural cognition, and cognitive styles play an important role in understanding how humans decide and shape opinion in order to change their perspective/behavior. Particularly within this New Normal era, we need to understand the changing of consumer behavior for creating effective marketing strategy.

Graves, within his presentation explains the correlation between individual personalities and their preferences in several realms, from finance, to health and wellness, to environmental, to entrepreneurial success, sales success, management and leadership effectiveness, to consumer affinities (or dislikes) of shopping, to travel — and many more.

Since from young adulthood, an individual’s personality has remained pretty fixed, knowing the profile of certain personality traits would be beneficial for marketers to communicate and better resonate with your consumers.

Cultural cognition
Initiated by the Cultural Cognition Project conducted by Dan Kahan from Yale University, cultural cognition is explained to help marketers map people on a grid to reveal their inherent world-view which includes hierarchical, communitarian, egalitarian, and individualist, that this world-view flow emerges ramifications flow eventually.

Cognitive styles
Cognitive style is the way we are wired to make sense of the world. Graves decodes several elements within cognitive styles to predict one’s preferences and behavior, mentioning the internal and external locus of control, regulatory focus within an individual that includes promotion and prevention mindset, one’s time perspective (more past, present, or future minded), but not least of all, the need of cognition and affection.

Overall, these lenses will help to reveal “the real why and the hidden who” aspects of individuals that truly serve as the drivers of and barriers to behaviour change. Through practical application of these instruments, you will be able to alter personas, segmentation, as well as inform a better resonant crafting of message framing and content delivered to your consumers.

